Hey girl, you looked stressed. What's up? Ugh, you know how I was trying to lose that last 20 pounds to get back to my ideal weight? Yeah! You've been doing great! Thank you, but...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf360 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 ArialMT;\f1\froman\fcharset0 Times-Roman;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;}...
Revolution on Represent 107.3 FM. My name is Tarek Now listeners you may remember not too long ago we had a spoken word artist by the name of Suli Breaks. Came down dropped a live session and alot of...
#im gonna cry #I LOVE THEM #original matters #why am i so smart #i have a problem #original poetry #but #i don't wanna miss a thing lyrics #future eyes #black arts #we live for hockey #hockey life #my do #bad dream #This American Life #but not #Blogs I Like #what to make inspirations #this is a different one #i gave these to my little old lady #use less #poems of tumblr #love poems #love peotry #poetry picture #gcse art #also I hate it #14 Day Music Challenge #you matter #don't look at me #fate #OMG! Can't tell how I love this song #I had to test if I could still make gifs or not #Waste Not Want Not #do anything for you #so please don't give me up #end of finals #Things That Make Me Think of You #what am i doing with my life #the art of letting go #hate it #you don't need me #make good art #Continental Tire #cars of tumblr #tumblr effect #yourfavoriteartist #myfavoriteartist #From my FaceBook #I love food #audio poem #Everything in the World #say the words #hands of fate #Why don't you love me #3daysbeforeduedate #can't you see #i hate you #not #never let you go #self hate #let love in #this goal was so amazing that i need more than one #I Will Always Love You #Yes these are random i don't even know what is in #breezy #love more #love what you do #Celebrities Before Success #My Photos of Life #American schools #Russell Banks #last words #Never Made Love #what am i doing #new music matters #need love #people will beat him up #do what u want #Parents room #college kid #Made My Day #can't describe #guy hands #The Photo Society #Hints for gifts for me #career inspiration #purse must have #and another thing #just a quick photoset then back to studying for mi #home educated #as you like it #love poem #lovepoems #wordsoflove #poetic #thepoeticunderground #love poetry #life poems #life poetry #famous poets #famous poems #take me or leave me #My Dream Job #best things in life #School-Based Assessment #THEY LOOK THE SAME! #whyismyfacelikethat #youcantsitwithus #black purse #african couple #all black everything #love your black #we love black #vanity. #choose happiness #Bad Guy #neverwithoutit #M Systems #future life #not me #final exams #result #will you #Me & My Style #arabic guys #college guys #takemebackrightnow #follow my life #single people problems #i dont talk #the truth about love #therightsideofmymind #food tw #i love you more than anything #not sure if I like this one #useless #world changers #you are amazing #you dont have to feel like you need to say yes all #unless you want to then go for it #i don't judge #wanna go on a date #these look terrible #but i got the project done before class ended so #collegegirlproblems #think more #I just RLY like taking pictures #Blogs We Love #grade 4 #art fair #english schools #going to feel better #where has this been all my life #not really #thefrenchdoitbetter #myhorribleart #THOSE BACKGROUNDS! #vanityprojects #i needed to share this #thoughtful thoughts #nail art challenge #52 week nail art challenge #let them show #Great school ideas #What Parents & their Kids Want You To Know About A #x all the y #but i wanted to make some #how it feels to be something on #moneysmartweek2014 #love these so much #i'm a bad person #Do It To It #everything should have a face on it #I am so funny right #omfg i need to make these immediately #weloveamerica #educated #dont give up #I will #i hate food #i hate me #ihavedreams #makingdreamsintoreality #sohighrightnow #im gonna do it #tofeelbetter #justletmehavethisone #this is why im single #♦ My Point of View ♦ #everything girls love #imissbeingakid #thethingswedoincollege #word art #dontgivein #hate love #i just really like this #writing tumblr #I thought this was funny #gonna be great #Tumblr Artist #oldbutgold #lookslikejudge #random stuff that i like #a chance of love #Lie to me #proud of it #love daddy #52 reasons why i love you #lovejesus #Life is extra special because of #you belive in me #onlyifitwasreal #Think About It. #My type 2 #made to last #minature art #i dont like waiting i get silly #knowing nothing about cars #think of you #my one and only #spokenword #same one #i love my school #they said my name wrong #bad poem #♥ Christian Inspiration ♥ #united artists #art quotes #can't write #black and white wall art #never let me go #my everything #Think Like a Man #wannapieceofme #they killed my career #it's one of my favs #artisits on tumblr #artistsontumblr #watchmesucceed #we shall find out if this is a good idea or not #Oh to be in England #they should not be doing this #accentnail #a way of u showing me love #random good stuff #on my vanity table #wellwhatdoyouknow #where did our love go #secretsociety_123 #believe in me #artists on tumblr #cantgetintho #reasons why I love her #canttakemehome #Watch It #waitingtoleaveforwork #Got Your 6 #My recent work #Love of my life #so proud :3 #so proud of you Em #you did us proud #lovemyyouth #not thinking about her at all #speak truth to power #love your people #myhumanbeing #same love #he has them looking so MAD #my playlists #loveyourjob #africanamericanart #blackartists #but no visual effects I'm so angry #we are the best #love this boy #where my girls at #amazing listening #followmylife #self education #needtonamethelittleguy #I think about you #I think about you alot #I hate life #44_fromheretothere #you're single im single lets be single together #myfavoritepicture #modified couple #I'm not high enough #stillhating #whosgotitbetterthanus #letyouhavethisone #♥ My Love of Food ♥ #we are one #am i right #no 92 #Healthy but not horrible #positive encouraging quotes #think of the future #A better me #my face in this one #Im into it #don't give up #Interesting pics #tothink #theywillneverletgo #Words to the World #Teenager #but well here you go #young Harris college #Quotes, sayings, funny stuff & some not so funny s #rememberthis #love one another #what we need #deepthoughts #sully #The Everything Love Signs Book #dis my pic B) #younglifetruevoices #who decides #All Things Food Mains Sides #Life As We Know It #proud of you #Stuff I want to make #allblackeverything #why not #my-teen-quote #dont let me go #A Different Way To Get Around #artlove #i dream about the future #you don't know my life #maybe i am #lifeofanartstudent #if you cant tell #tumblr i love you #do you know what i mean #define #next-generation writing #next-generation assessments #next-gen writing #next-gen assessments #i have everything i need on here #in love right now #Run That By Me One More Time #want vs need #15thingswedotogether #soamazing #wehavewhatyouneed #Just Stuff I Like #talking to my dad #exam project #around the teenagers #cannot decide #judging #won't be the same #you gave up #Poor Guy #uncle for justice #dowhatyoufeel #tumblr is the best at this stuff #man of your life #his people stay younger looking #it took me all day #not now #degil #you-got-nothing-to-regret #everyone enjoy watching this without me #Cool breeze #ifyouaretheone #If You Are The One #nailartsociety #weloveyournailart #getintohomeschooling #give some love #We will remember them #i will miss you #Quotes, Thoughts #deep thoughts #but all of you are special #idontnormallydothis #thisartistisaproblem #writing on tumblr #but i do #all you can feel #thiscantbelife #Am i human #20 and can't even maintain eye contact #or talk to a guy #that me #not not fun #breezy point #this is what we do in school. #you're no good to me dead #more like #All We Can Really Do #someonecomepickmeup #itjustgotreal #weneedhelp #missed opportunities #dumb people #I love this place #making cars and stuff #i think this is one of those books that will alway #the situation might not always be exactly relevant #If this is well received I might start selling the #Quotes to challenge your thinking #MyLifeInPictures #Standardized #artlovingtime #cantmakemechoose #amazingnumber9 #rap artists #i hate my life #paper quotes #artist in tumblr #iwillmakeit #loadsofotherstuff #My Go-Tos #m to d #for the best parents in the world #this picture means everything to me #Food For someone Else's Thought #Old School Rappers #so stupid it's funny #rapperslie #teachers on tumblr #sillyface #After all we've been through #JUST DO GOOD #love reading #am reading #i love reading #omgwhy #some people are just not very smart #motivationa quote #imjustlivinmylife #imjusttrynalive #youdecidedwhichisbetter #not my pic #ourgenerationoflove #Tumblr quotes #we♥️it #eyes filled with love #my future #artists in tumblr #american boy #and away we go #Music Ed #made in england #Opinion Argument Writing #ive got 99 problems #song on repeat #defined #giving up #if only yhere was someone out there who loved you #if only there was someone out there who loved you #tw: ed #art a level #the way we ate #black tumblr #proudblackman #but really #no reaults #from our facebook #modified_society #I love days like this #getting my own room #dream the end



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Play Song "Don't Give Up" I've been high, I've been low, Traveled down every single road, I felt love, I felt pain, But its all just a part of the game, And...
When I look into your eyes It's like watching the night sky Or a beautiful sunrise Well there's so much they hold And I won't give up on us Even if the skies get rough...
Don't Give Up On Me! Don't Give Up On Me Don't Give Up On Me 'Cause you know.. as well...As I do.. I'm Comin' Back For You So Don't Give Up On...