over the past few years solar energy has been it's been going down in price in terms of getting a system set up for your home it's becoming more cost-effective non-renewable but...
» ♪ [Electric guitar] ♫ » Hey guys. Yesterday I posted a photo of my Sentai mask collection on Facebook. I did a video on YouTube a long time ago when I ordered a set from CS Toys, but it didn’t seem...
This book is about how nonviolent songs work. How do songs move people. And what is the poetry behind nonviolent political action. The Baltic is a good example. The nonviolent independence movement...
divided attention is everybody has a dental marathi music and today do you know mariners is going to talk about how it should be in terms of activism against him austerity daniel taken away as rated...
(Dexter Bobby) Let me speak a little bit about the land of the free it's got a real fucked up economy if you ain't white or blue collar you in poverty like me follow me to the hood...



Hi, I'm Brenda F. Dixon I'm a licensed clinical social worker and I am with Expert Village and we are talking about how to overcome anger. We spent a little bit of time talking about...
bjbjLULU JEFFREY BROWN: Now, tracking the spread of radiation in Japan eight months after the tsunami caused a nuclear accident. Japanese people are using new technology and the power of crowdsourcing...
[MUSIC] >>Lynn Liikala-Seymore: Kandahar and Helmand Province in Afghanistan are very troubled provinces. They have minimal electrical facilities down there. For example, right now in...
((Lyrics)) For God's sake, gotta give more power to the people For God's sake, give more power to the people There's some people up there hoggin' everything...
The Christian church today has no power. They have no power to stop sinning. They have no power to live righteously in Jesus. They do NOT see any miracles or the power of God because THEY ARE GOING...