don't take this card too seriously ^^ it is meant to use Nvidia Volta architecture which will normally come for 2016 so, since then, nvidia would probably change their namings and i choosed...



How to Cut Plexiglas. Commonly used as an inexpensive, lightweight substitute for glass, this acrylic plastic requires patience when cutting because of its proclivity to chip and melt. You will need A...



this PC case is pretty special, but i'll talk about it later 52cm high, 46cm long, 28cm wide E-ATX mobo 9 PCI slot 4x 5.25" bays, 6x 3.5" and 4x 2.5" with 2 adaptors...
hello everybody and welcome to i was going to say welcome back but if your new welcome to part 3 of pid and why haven't you watched the first 2 parts that is not on... We... WTF ok so some...



Hey, we are down here, still in the South hall, at CES 2009. I'm standing with Brian Sun, who has some really cool technology. Obviously all the rage right now, is touch technology right? And...



Computer tv CES 2009 Alright, now, this stuff is right up my alley. Check this out, extreme cooling for you extreme enthusiasts out there. This is sick stuff. You might have seen this over here on the...



Computer TV CES 2009 Alright, CES 2009, we're at the Thermaltake booth. Now Thermaltake makes great products, you guys know all about them. I've reviewed almost everything...
Computer tv Computer tv CES 2009 Alright, here we are at the SilverStone Booth. You guys know me, you guys know that I love SilverStone. I've used the-TJ 07, I've used the TJ-09 and...
Alright just a quick look at the Compaq 100B A small form factor computer from Hewlett Packard This little computer uses the E350 processor from AMD. That processor is dual-core and it runs at 1.6 Ghz...
Captions by . . . . . . . . . . . . . All right, so you're looking for a nice mid-range computer to be able to play some games, watch some movies, maybe do some photo editing,...