Packing. household items

Hello I'm Annie Brunson on behalf of Expert Village. We are making musical instruments using everyday household items. Today we are going to make some shakers. You could make shakers out of...
Hello I'm Annie Brunson on behalf of Expert Village. Today we are going to learn how to make a one string base. What you will need for this is some kind of tub I have a very large oatmeal tub...
Hello I'm Annie Brunson on behalf of Expert Village. We are learning about making musical instruments out of everyday items. Today we are going to make a kazoo. You will need to find towel...
Hello I'm Annie Brunson on behalf of Expert Village. We are learning on how to make musical instruments out of everyday household items. Today we are going to make a musical instrument out of...
When we're making our shakers, like I said, we are doing it from recycled products because our theme is to reduce, reuse, and recycle. I simply take paper and glue it to a paper towel tube and...
Well to build your basic aerophone which is not any different than those big plastic trumpets you see at parades where it goes (makes parade horn noise) you know. It's pretty much the same...
High its J.D. Keating and we're here with the fantastic three, the musicians extraordinaire. Madeline, Ava and Felix. (Girl) You mean the fantastic four, (J.D.) right, they're the...



Oh, we have glue for you, honey. Oh! You need a piece of paper? Ooo, what color? You want something else. Something other than that to decorate. Why don't you go look in our craft box over...
Welcome back my name is Alisha and I am with Expert Village and today we are going to talk about how to travel with a toddler. There is a couple of items that I do not leave home without. One thing is...