Gosh! So many things i like, but so less money. For Fimo the piggy bank you need a template, a cane of your choice, an acrylic roller, sandpaper, paint, gloss and tools. For women, it is such a thing...
For pistachios from Fimo polymer clay you need different colors, chalk, knife, aluminum foil, a blunt object and pistachios shells. Pistachio shells are coated with chalk. This is important so the...
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Today I will show you a very special amulet made ​​of polymer clay. The material I use gemstones, gold Fimo Effect Metallic, Liquid Fimo, colored pencil, Dottingtool, clay machine, cutter, scissors...
Welcome back, for the Pumpkin Cane you need Fimo Effect 404 orange transparent and noctilucent. Also, I have used normal black and green. The tools I used are knives and Clay Machine. I create the...
This whimsical little recipe holder makes a fun addition or as a really unique and different gift for someone who's just getting married and starting their own kitchen. I used the flat topped...
For the cherry pie I use Fimo Classic in white, yellow, chocolate brown and red. Chalk is also much important. I use red, brown and yellow. You also need Fimo Liquid and various tools. The color of...
For the Snowflake Cane you need Fimo Classic blue and white. As tools take a knife, modeling tool and the Clay Machine. The blue is now being rolled out. At level 9, the blue is very thin. The white...
Santa is coming soon, were you well-behaved last year? No? Then you have to donate Santa a present. How about a Santa Fimo tea-candle? You need typcial Santa Fimo colours, your tools, a paint stick...