ABE TOKE: Hi. Welcome to Expert Village, my name is Abe Toke. I'm going to take you through step by step to shape yourself a complete surfboard. Once you've got your first pass down,...
ABE TOKE: Hi. Welcome to Expert Village, my name is Abe Toke. I'm going to take you through step by step to shape yourself a complete surfboard. What I'm going to do now is, like I...
ABE TOKE: Hi. Welcome to Expert Village, my name is Abe Toke. I'm going to take you through step by step to shape yourself a complete surfboard. Now what I need to do is foil out this last...
ABE TOKE: Hi. Welcome to Expert Village, my name is Abe Toke. I'm going to take you through step by step to shape yourself a complete surfboard. Once you've got everything just...
Sail shape is one of the most important things that a sailor can be aware of. It's subtle, and all you are going to be able to do is tug a few bits of rope to try to get the maximum efficiency...



ABE TOKE: Hi. Welcome to Expert Village, my name is Abe Toke. I'm going to take you through step by step to shape yourself a complete surfboard. It's good to take a minute and measure...
Rachael Parsons: I think that what we are seeing is a lot of rhetoric around this idea of connectiveness, and we focus on things like our mobile phones, and our social media, these virtual ways of...
Why do I have pain in my kidney area? Part of it depends on what might be causing the pain. My kidney. You could feel pain if there is a kidney infection. That’s more likely if you have a fever and...
[theme song] whoosh [music continues] ♪ Meet George Jetson ♪ ♪ His boy Elroy ♪ ♪ Daughter Judy ♪ ♪ Jane his wife ♪♪ [music continues] [theme music] [pleasant music] (Astro) 'Walky-walky...
Do you feel like you're being crushed by all your debt? Feeling like your finances are in bad shape? Your financial health is alot like your physical health. When you're out of shape,...