Out of characters to kill off

Two shocking deaths come to ABC's Nashville finale! No, it's not a sick joke -- E! News reports that two of the current cast members on the hit freshman drama have got to go... and it...
KRISTY: Belle, that's so gross! Isn't there, like, a less...nasty way you can do that? BELLE: It's really difficult to do without fangs, Kristy. ....I'm really hungry....
The Killing may not be dead just yet. Despite canceling the series back in July, AMC announced that they would "try to find another home for the show" and looks like they may have...
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Here in Philadelphia you can access a Philly cheesesteak anytime, day or night. Just like you can access GEICO anytime, day or night. There is only one way to celebrate this unique similarity. Witness...
25.000 ISRAELFILM Motion Picture Productions Ltd. Zvi Spielman Shlomo Mograbi Present An URI BARBASH FILM ONE OF US With ALON ABOUTBOUL SHARON ALEXANDER DALIA SHIMKO DAN TOREN Photography AMNON...
Elena: “Caroline is sleeping on the couch” Damon: “Jeremy called. Tyler is with Pearl” Elena: “What are we going to do?" Damon: “I’m going to collect them" Elena: “Wait, I’m coming...