(female narrator) Susan Sanders never cared for gardening when her yard meant carpet grass for endless yards. It was very ordinary, very plain, it did nothing to enhance the house-- it was boring,...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf360 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww15340\viewh17040\viewkind0...
Step 2 in creating a rain garden is testing the soil in your selected site for permeability We need to make sure that the soil in this area will accept water within a certain period of time so you...
The first step to creating a rain garden is selecting a site This is important because you want to place the garden in a prominent area of your yard where it will be both effective and aesthetically...
Step 3 in creating a rain garden is digging the garden and amending the soil Before digging your garden, call your local utility service and have them mark any underground lines Some soil, such as...
It may look like hay to you, but this is a prairie patch, a garden or backyard spot planted with native grass and flowers. Uncontrolled fire is a danger to everyone, but you can burn a prairie...
The North Cascades Institutes environmental learning center is on the banks of Diablo Lake and they're dedicated to teaching both children and adults about the ecology of the Cascade...
We will cut the side pieces and front piece down to thirteen inches wide, and to do so we must reinstall our miter gauge by removing the rip fence. This time however, the miter fence must be turned to...



The population of Texas has grown at a faster rate than the nation in every decade since Texas first became a state. Central Texas has grown at an even faster rate. This growth has brought prosperity...