Our backyard garden 2013

Using the ledge falls neptune panels has really helped our company through the recession. we were able to bring our product on national tv on several yard crasher shows. Its kept us busy and now we...
Craig Otto from Australia All the way from Ridgemen. The panel system is sensational. That thing went up in a couple of days. That is absolutely awesome. I've never ever seen anything like it....
My name is Gustavo. My company is ... I'm from honduras in central america. The company started 20 years ago. We started just doing small water features. And I'm always researching,...
This farm was once used as the meat and dairy farm for the historic Catawba sanitarium...fell out of regular usage several years ago and now we're in the process of renovating and bringing the...
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Hello. Today we will be talking about the UltraGROW large reflector grow light hood. Alright, we're going to open it up for you, and we're going to talk about some of the specs. You...
This lovely little specimen is the Italian Oregano,you that you know I nicked a sprig off a plant from a friend of ours because I didn't have this variety yet. It's turning into this...
We're here today at the FCC community gardento talk with Annette and David about hydroponic system will be installing through our hydro2table program they're very excited to have this...
Hello, and welcome to Lifestyle Clotheslines. This is a product video just talking about one of our rotary clothesline covers. This is a completely waterproof cover. You just go out to the images over...