This video covers creating records in your EndNote library and saving them To create a new record select: The new reference button, it is on the library menu and is green with a white cross Or select...



This quote is most relevant to you as an Honours or Masters student as it highlights that your dissertation will gradually emerge through an unfolding process. As such, it's vital that you...



I'm Craig Johnson. I'm the PhD academic program coordinator I teach courses in a quantitative area particularly statistics, research design, evaluation, object oriented systems...



>> I'd like everyone to take a few seconds and think about your morning. Think about your morning routine and what kind of mood you woke up in. Some of you, you might have jumped...
Video: Tips for how to Create a PowerPoint Presentation Hello and welcome back! My name is Dr. Cheryl Lentz, owner of The Refractive ThinkerĀ®. Today our focus is on tips for how to create a...
Styles can help save time when formatting a dissertation. You will likely want certain pieces of text throughout your document to have the same formatting. For example, all chapter titles should be...
Just just being in graduate school in school general can just be very daunting very daunting between class work and lab work and an attempt at trying to have a social life, it can be tough it can...
[ Music ] >> Just finishing up our trip here in India. I've been here for the last week. Spending time at the Public Health Foundation of India always gives me great hope....
This video tutorial is provided by the College of Graduate Studies at UCF. In this video, I will review the requirements for the List of Tables, and demonstrate how to create and update the List of...



This video tutorial is provided by the College of Graduate Studies at UCF. In this video, I will review the requirements for using subheadings, and demonstrate how to modify and apply Word Styles to...

