We've got a good first look at Paul Giamatti in The Amazing Spider-Man 2. And he looks crazy. Giamatti plays Aleksei Sytsevich, aka Rhino. First, director Marc Webb posted this photo on...
Look at those teamsters... They're working really hard. Yeah everything's on schedule. Take your time. Please, stand in my eye-line. i think we should make the explosion much, much...
Hey everyone, Jason here, today I'm going to show show you another alternate set model which I designed. This time using the parts from this set, 75002 AT-RT. It's a pretty cool set,...
This video quickly demonstrates how to save searches and set up automatic e-mail alerts for new results. Searches are saved in your free My NCBI account. I'll demonstrate with a search of...
This episode of Tekzilla is brought to you by the 2012 Ford Mustang. The gentle weeping you hear is Graham, one of our resident App Judgment mavens who picked up an iPhone 4S on Friday. Actually, was...
So, we are in this course, we are going to learn Graph theory. For this course, I will be using the following books one is a Graph theory by Reinhard Diestel, and other one introduction to Graph...



Welcome to lecture 5 on measure and integration. If you recall, in the previous lectures we have been looking at the various classes of subsets of a set X with various properties. We looked at what is...
Glass needs to connect to the internet to complete setup. In order to do that, Glass needs to connect to your Wifi network. Look down at your computer. YouÕll have to find a nearby network and type...
GTA 5 GTA V GTA5 GTAV Grand Theft Auto 5 Grand Theft Auto V GTA Online Grand Theft Auto Online GTA 5 Online How To Guide Walkthrough Best Secret Hidden Rarest Car Free Money Walkthrough TypicalGamer...
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