I think it might be a good idea to start a printed newsletter that you mail out to these people. I think that that would be...that would establish you as something that gets opened in the mail and you...
bjbj Simon Payn: Hi. Simon here from Ready to Go Newsletters. I mentioned in another video that it s an excellent idea to customize your newsletter with some unique content - to put in something...



bjbj Simon Payn: Hi. I'm Simon, president of Ready to Go Newsletters. Now, a lot of people ask me, "Why should I choose your newsletters over and above all the others?"...



Hello to all my PinturaFacil's friends!! Today we're going to continue painting eggs and today using the Dot Painting technique, so stay with me to paint them for this project...



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Our TWIZZLERS Candy Road Trip Kit will keep kids busy during long trips, picnics and days at the beach! Here's how it's done! You'll need a fun travel bag, and TWIZZLERS Candy!...
Popin' Cookin' Waffle Cafe, Open ! I say properly :) ummm... I like this Waoh ! Yuhh ! Waoh ! Ooh ! ? One ! One, two, three, four, Yay ! What ? I sandwich it here... This is how...
This is "Oekaki Gummy Land" , I bought it May I open ? Scissors I am scolded by an uncle when I overeat myself mix lightly , Don't Beat until combined Is it . . .? The first...
Hello and welcome to Cupcake Addiction's Dora the Explorer Giant Cupcake Princess Cake Tutorial where I'll be showing you how to make this gorgeous Dora the Explorer princess cake...