Giacomo, good morning! Good morning … well, good How are you? … I went to the doctor’s yesterday Nothing serious surely.. there’s flu going round. No, it’s not the flu … it’s my knee, you see, it’s...
Please Come in Mr Brignaschi. ...Brignano... As I was saying, the flat is perfect for you Right. … perfect for you. Would you like a cup of coffee? No, thanks. It’s Lavazza. No, thanks. Why not? No,...
Qualità Oro spot – Welcome to Heaven – Backstage peek This is the stairway to heaven. Francesca Lavazza – Corporate Image Director The first time I met Enrico he was drinking coffee. He had all these...
11.05.12 Eletti, amici cari, sia grande la vostra speranza tra molti, che sono caduti nella disperazione, per le difficoltà della vita. Sposa amata, la disperazione non è per chi confida in Me: non è...



The Biennale of Venice is one of the most important and anticipated events for the contemporary artistic community. It opened on the 1st of June and it will stay open until the 24th of November there...



So, into the camera? Dreams are for me... very interesting. I always been interested in many things. Everything from music to construction work. Everything I can come up with, everything I can think...



Hello! This video will introduce the Interlibrary Loan service offered by Allen Memorial Library, and will demonstrate how to request an item from another library in Primo. Interlibrary Loan (or ILL)...



You know, it's really cool just that Texas A&M can actually have piano out in the open of a great Memorial Student Center, just that anyone can come play at anytime. Generally you want...
The star darts across the space bringing news on you It flies at high speed but the distance is great and it will maybe run out Fly star fly straight to my heart Bring me a little of your dark light...
Le Energie della Nuova Terra: Luglio 2011. FINE E INIZIO......... L'UNIONE SACRA DELLA LUCE DIVINA. L’Arcangelo Michele attraverso Celia Fenn. Amata Famiglia di Luce, dopo i Grandi...

