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This is Oak at Painted Temple Tattoo in Provo Utah. Requesting how to tattoo a person. First things first you got to be sterile. You cannot reuse things you cannot touch other things. You know while...
Here is a good little trick that you can impress your friends with or even your parents. I wrote it down so that I don't forget any of the steps. Choose a number. Don't tell anyone...
In this clip, we're going to learn how nurses use Algebra in their, in their fields. One of the simplest things, if you look at the board. For example, a nurse has to do a little bit of math....
wallach has press charges against a sixty three-year-old employee who had the audacity to steal a box of oreos while she was on hurt on the job another charging her or they're pressing felony...
New single 'It Never Ends' out now on iTunes! www.epitaph.com/BMTH 'There Is A Hell, Believe Me I've Seen It. There is A Heaven, Let's Keep It A Secret'...