Brand New Renovated Rooms at the World's Largest Econo Lodge Inn & Suites. FREE scheduled Shuttle service to Walt Disney World Resort, Universal Orlando Resort, and Sea World....
PEARL HARBOR PEARL HARBOR PEARL HARBOR Japanese aircraft take off at 0600 hrs. taking the northern route to Pearl Harbor on Oahu 0748, the Japanese struck mercilessly & the American fleet was...
NARRATOR: Next on "Xtreme Waterparks"... Whoo! Whoo! NARRATOR: ...the slide that reigns as Italy's most terrifying... That is not legal. That can't be legal....
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So you've got a federal metter, obviously sentensing is important. I want to talk about that a little bit. I have handled sentensing cases and federal metter in central district and all over...
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[00:00:00.01] We'll go ahead and get started [00:00:04.20] Hi, my name's Kris Moore, I'm the found of the PC-BSD project [00:00:08.23] and today I'm going to be giving...
Jerry: Gym class was the only... Carson: Everybody remembers their gym teacher, don't they? Jerry: What was the thing with the uniform? If you weren't wearing that uniform... remember...