PB Teen What's Important to You? Asia and Hannah What's important to you? Family, friends, music... What matters to you? Sports, education, art... What inspires you? Being healthy,...
PB Teen What's Important to You? Ryan What's important to you? Family, friends, music... What matters to you? Sports, education, art... What inspires you? Being healthy, going green,...
My Room Rules May My name is May and welcome to my room. The first thing I want to point out in my room are these shelves. I like how as you walk in you notice all my pictures and different things I...
My Room Rules Paisley Hey this Paisley and this is my Pottery Barn room. This is my bulletin board where I hang all my pictures that remind me of different memories like my birthday party my calendar...
My Room Rules Anna Hi my name is Anna, and welcome to my room. I love my bed so much because I have my great Pottery Barn cover. I have some pretty palm tree pillows and its really comfortable now...
If you desire a truly Charleston Experience- nothing surpasses a stay at the Battery Carriage House located across from beautiful White Point Gardens. Enjoy a quiet stroll along the waterfront Battery...
My Room Rules Joelly Hi I'm Joelly and this is my room This is my bed, its a twin size, its very comfortable I have had it since first grade and I hopefully getting a new bed This is my desk...
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Here is my little video tour of my apartment. Sink, beer, stove, little storage deal, fridge, this is my view from the kitchen And we'll go this way to the living room/bedroom combo deal....