My name is Sebastain Kreps and I am actually local. I graduated from Carmel High and I came as a transfer student from MPC. Why did you choose to come to CSUMB? Because I love this area and I don’t...



On this map, we'll show population growth from the year 1 A.D, to present, and than project our growth into the year 2030, Population considerations will be indicated by dots, each of which...
Due to the fact that the population is rapidly expanding in the whole world, it is a challenge to provide enough food for everybody on earth. It was in 1805, when the world’s population reached 1...
am day there I just wanna say congratulations on finding in this video leading prime something making money from home is not as hot as everybody makes means just little bit about past two years ago my...
am day hey there my name's can personalize congratulate you for doing due diligence and you go online and looking for how to retire early and live well this place you know to you my homie line...
texas ufo invasion 2008 // real ufo footage [full video documentary] 2007 there were two reports UFO's over Texas you I am scared the girls were screaming some other work time within a month...
We will have yet another session on HBT. We have had three sessions focusing mainly on gallium arsenide-based heterojunction bipolar transistors. The reason for switching over to this gallium...
Good morning. Today, we start our discussion on a series of lectures on high speed devices and circuits. My name is K. N. Bhat from the microelectronic section in the Electronic Engineering...



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In our last discussion, we introduced to you the concept of high speed devices, some of the basic aspects. Particularly, we discussed how silicon is all pervasive that is one thing that we saw. Then,...

