Everything I know about the Marvel universe, I know because I beat it up with Mega Man, Morrigan, Tron Bonne and Phoenix Wright. That�s my point of contact. By comparison, I came into Injustice with...
What’s up guys, Jason here and thanks for watching TFX, and if you’re an Arkham City fan, then what are you doing watching this video? You should be off playing the brand new DLC Harley Quinn’s...
Batman Arkham City did many things right. It was an awesome action game, that improved on its original in every way. It had a great story, amazing locations, and polished gameplay. It was everything...
CHAPTER 3: HARLEY QUINN Hello to those, who love fightings and DC universe. This is third part of Strategy Guide for Injustice: Gods Among Us. Today we are going to talk about villain, that arrived...
>>SKEE JAY (on camera) : Hello Internet! My name is Mr. Skee Jay and I'm making this video for anybody interested in learning how to play Magic: The Gathering! It was first...
Well, how many Robin's does it take to branch off and become another bird themed superhero, one. And I don't mean Tim Drake, I'm talking about the real Dick... Grayson. Dick...
3 A.M... Heading back home after a very long and tiring day of work. You can barely catch any rest around here. This is the only city I know with a higher crime rate than Gotham. What's even...
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so speaking to an audience of about five hundred people in san francisco dianne feinstein who led the charge in the senate on an assault weapons ban said that the video game industry should take...