View From Bridge by TravelPod member kimberlysarna Sydney sandstorm: gulls and hidden Harbour bridge by TravelPod member feeling_alive The blue mountains by TravelPod member jackandandrew Me &...
Many Koreans have started making their way to their hometowns,... ahead of the Lunar New Year holiday. Passengers are already beginning to crowd train stations and bus terminals on this Wednesday,......
Pope Francis has urged people to accept differences and search for peace in his New Year's message. Delivering his first New Year's message at St. Peter's Square Wednesday,......
The extravagant and largest ever New Year's Eve fireworks in Dubai has made it onto the Guinness World Records. The Guinness record website confirmed its latest decision on Wednesday, saying...
Let's start with the traffic conditions on the nation's expressways on this Lunar New Year's Day... As you might expect with millions of people heading to and from their...
The chairman of Korea's ruling Saenuri Party has thrown his full support behind President Park Geun-hye's ambitious three-year economic innovation plan. He also vowed to improve the...
President Park Geun-hye will hold a news conference with foreign and domestic press next week... to outline her administration's policy plans for the new year. Chief presidential press...
In a move almost certain to further enflame tensions in northeast Asia... A top Chinese military official says a Japanese fighter jet recently entered China's Air Defense Identification Zone....
If you need to inflate your life jacket a bit more, blow into the mouth piece. Air New Zealand have released a new in-flight safety video called Safety in Paradise. It features Sports Illustrated...
I would like to start this year by using more Armenian in my video blogs. In February the Embassy will have a lot of programming on the rights of people with disabilities. To be inclusive is one of...