Hi, and welcome to the ValveTime news. Each week, we'll bring you the biggest talking points regarding Valve Software and the community. Now, the news: It was another relatively quiet week for...
Even if it's the hem of your dress, even if it's the hem of your dress Even if it's just the hem of your dress The love that's in front of me has become clearer The...
Go to www.beadaholique.com to purchase beading supplies and to get design ideas! Hi this is Julie with Beadaholique.com and today I have a really quick product demo video to show you and this is one...
Hi, I'm Jon from Superior Threads. We're constantly looking for the next big thing in the thread world. With our recent warehouse expansion and hundreds of new products added this past...
Hi, I'm Yanitsa, your .Net girl. Today we are going to talk about threading. What is a thread? Well, a thread is a unit of execution in the operating system. It's a way to run multiple...



Hi, and welcome to the ValveTime news. Each week, we'll bring you the biggest talking points regarding Valve Software and the community. Now, the news: Data-miners over at SteamDB made an...
Metallic thread is a gorgeous thread to use for embroidery. In another video, we've shown how good, Metallic Thread looks when embroidered on a home machine. In this video, we're...
Hi, this is Andrew on behalf of Expert Village.com and in this next clip I am just going to be showing you how to tie off the ends and finish the button for polyester material. Now typically you end...
Hello, I'm Lizzie, here at Superior Threads. I want to show you today how to get fun, sparkling color in your hair without having to go to the salon. Right here you can see in my hair glitter...