DAVID CHOE: Day 14 on "Thumbs Up," our cross-country adventure. We're in the Big Easy. We're in New Orleans. Caught a ride late last night out of Lake Providence,...
[MUSIC PLAYING] DAVID CHOE: In the end, only kindness matters. That's what Jewel says. And this is where she's going to be playing, at the Horseshoe Casino Hotel in beautiful Tunica,...
DAVID CHOE: This is an awesome ride, and she doesn't want to be on camera. Actually very monumental-- our first Asian ride that we've ever got in my entire life of hitchhiking....
[MUSIC PLAYING] DAVID: Day six, America. We are dangerously close to the Canadian border. I don't know, fucking almost a week into the trip. Tensions are running high. I got a lot of...
1000 year old hall by TravelPod member meganandkevin Ceiling in the foyer of Classical wing by TravelPod member meganandkevin Classical wing by TravelPod member meganandkevin Cuckoo Clock?or museum of...
Church: Michael Swicklik, Senior Paintings Conservativer of the National Gallery of Art, and Michael is going to talk about his revisit and current visit to the African House Murals at Melrose....