Hey Shubert, what'cha got? These are my new picture rule cards. Want to see? They're about me. Isn't this so exciting? Let me show you somethings. You may walk in a group, you...
Okay so this is a tutorial on the cranial nerves. So cranial nerves are nerves that emerge directly from the brain, and you've got 12 pairs of cranial nerves, and they're a part of the...
>>Daniel: For kids who really feel like most of life happens to them, for them to have an opportunity to feel that they have an impact is very exciting. The D3 program is designed...
Grab a snack, settle in, let do dis. Is Google's fancy new ethics board all that stands between us and total annihilation at the hands of Artificial intelligence? Hi my name is Emily and this...
members of The Ohio State University community believe that diversity is an important institutional goal we also recognize that unconscious biases influence behaviors even when people have the very...
"FEELING BACK INTO CHILDHOOD" THE PICTURE BOOKS OF CHARLOTTE ZOLOTOW What happens to childhood when we leave it behind? For most of us, it becomes something reconciled to...
I'm wearing two hats here; I'm wearing brain injury scientist, and I'm wearing parent hat. I'm an avid sports fan. I participated in many contact and collision sports...



The College of Arts and Sciences Time on a microscale A museum exhibit can take many years to create. For Tim Korter, it took nearly three years. It took about a year of design and planning. It took a...
There is nothing worse than having a song stuck in your head that don't get out. Cue the rage in three, two-- [MUSIC PLAYING] Hey everyone, Laci Green here for D News. I'm very ashamed...