Who would you bet on? Who would you bet on? Imagine you had the two hundred people you know best in the world sat in this room and i gave you this deal: you come, today, come up here to me, you give...
You are also criticized for how you talk about death. Before you said that in your movies a character could die at any moment, may seem inopportune. Yeah, that bothers some people... That happens in...
para hacer este plato vamos a necesitar dos ajos un puerro media zanahoria dos hojas de laurel media cebolla y los callos de cordero que son mucho más suaves que los de vaca en una olla a vamos a...
Wow, check out this view. Amazing. It's a clear, sunny day in Barcelona. I hope you can see the med sparkling in the distance. I'm here at EISE university, it's one of the top...
There are a number of treatments and a number of manoeuvres to treat benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. However, the Epley manoeuvre is the most well established and it is the test that has proven...
My name is... [in several languages] [music] >>Gray: And Iain phoned me and said, “Come look at this building in Middle Way.” So we came to look at the building and Iain said, “This is...
My name is... [in several languages] [music] >>Cates: At the time I was working in general practice. One of the things that I noticed was that people came in with their asthma inhalers...
Welcome back. In our final segment today, we're going to talk about some solutions, some ways of dealing with issues of language that hopefully you can use on a regular basis and will find...
My name is... [in several languages] [music] >>Narrator: As The Cochrane Collaboration reaches 20 years of existence, contributors consider the challenges and opportunities moving...
My name is... [in several languages] [music] >>Prathap: It was in Oxford. I was working there. I was completing my education and trying to learn what it is like to be an Englishman and a...

