Ladies and Gentlemen the National Media Center greets you and produce the daily bulletin of today 13th of April across the channel of the government The prime minister office issued special...



In the Name of Allah, The Merciful, The Intensely Merciful. Peace, Mercy and Blessings of Allah be upon you Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan (a.s), the Vicegerent and Messenger of Imam Al-Mahdi (a.s) And he is...
Grecia, Atenas, 6 am Cada viernes cientos de personas de diferentes nacionalidades hacen fila para solicitar asilo Una muchedumbre se reúne cada semana esperando obtener los documentos necesarios...



What's your name? Sakina How old are you? Three. What's your mom name? Zahida Parveen. What's your dad name? Muhammad Jamshed What's your brothers name? Abbas...



Mark Cartwright: No that is okay, leave the door open. Mr. Vladmir Pronen: Hello, I am uh Mark Cartwright: Mr. Pronen, I know. Mr. Vladmir Pronen: Nice to meet you Mark Cartwright: You spoke to the...



One more personality about whom there's a lot of hoax which is spread in the outside world is Ayatullah ul udhma Sistani. There are a lot of rumours spread in his name and people are so many...
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LOVE AGAIN – Ali Fadhil (written by ontheD) When we Had lost the way When whispers grew so loud We couldn't drown them out And When we Chose to walk away With egos overgrown When hearts had...



Millions of people griefs for him, admire him and remember him each year. Hussain, a hero, a role model and a beloved for many around the world, but who was Hussain and what did he stand for?...
It can't be that your heart feels sad but there is no grief in it You are beside me but have nothing to do with my heart After going from street to street, from house to house It can't...

