Okay what we got here are 2 sound projectors otherwise known as scoops and what these do you place them on the underside of the drum and it would project the sound forward. Now I got a black and a...



do you suffer from ankle genie pain or swollen ankles is your ankle stiffer week so you need extra support introducing where to buy Ankle Genie the new zip off compression sleeve designed to reduce...
Subtitles by K B F D SBS Is it good? Ha Pil, is it good? Yes. I only ate fruit with my mom. But it's even more delicious when I'm eating with a big group like this. Eat a lot, Ha Pil....
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg932\deff0\deflang1033\deflangfe1041{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\tx7020\f0\fs20 The foot and ankle center of Egg...
so are there laser treatments for plantar fasciitis you bet uh... there are uh... low-level light therapy treatments that are available there happens to be one therapy that we utilize that utilizes...



bjbjm The hospital came to me and they asked Me what my skill set was and what I can Offer to the community I told them the practice that I wanted and they Help to build it they gave me the Team that...



A lot of times on marching snare sticks you would notice that the beads would chip or wear. Right here we got a bead that is completely cracked and totally unusable so putting it next to a good bead...
Hi, my name is Sun K. Kwak. I started as a painter, and I was searching for a lot of materials to express my ideas. I was looking for a direct expression because I always felt that there was a big gap...
CASEY CORMIER: We'll begin this segment by talking about harmonic tuning. Now, we've already done some relative tuning using the 5th fret of the E string, 5th fret of the A string, 5th...

