MATT CUTTS: Today's question comes from New York City. And Sergey L. asks, if some site that is linking to my site gets penalized for purchasing links, will my site get affected by that...
Hey there my friend my name is Dominic. And if you are looking for the video review of the new internet marketing product called Chris Verhaegh - W.I.N. (Weekly Income Now)! And if you are watching...
Are there any facts within this mystery? Is there any truth behind this fantasy? Is there a future forseen within these dreams? Are there real faces behind glass and screens? I don't know Will...
bjbjm Well I had the great honor this year to be asked to be the grand marshal, of the second annual Chicago disability pride parade, which actually is where this t-shirt comes from, I don t know if...
bjbjm One of the things that was great for me at WID was that I met my wife. And, there s a lot of aside from the personal parts of that there s a lot of aspects of meeting Lillian that relate to what...
[MUSIC PLAYING] FRANCESCA CORNELLI: Some recent research I've been doing is studying the role of private equity in emerging markets, in particular, in Eastern Europe and the ex-Soviet Union...
Hi, my name is Zoe Robertson and I'm originally from Vancouver, Canada. Up until July 6, 2012, I'd been living and working as a freelance violinist in London, England, where I got my...
Alicia: I see something that’s popping up quite a bit on the Twitter chat. They’re wanting to know if you know, can they take the PBC course and that’ll help them pass the CCS exam? Laureen: The CSSP...
Those relationships, it's very clear, they are just there to wake us up. We judge them on paper and we set ourselves free, and then the past, changes. We do the work and then work, does us....