My garden bee keeping

Carys was very kind, and brave to show me how to go about keeping bees. And now, both myself and the bee hive are ready for some bees! Hello Carys! Ready for the bees? I'm very excited! Have...



Because of lack of references to show how Glansevern gardens used to look... ...Neville and his family have completely redesigned the garden. But, it seems like it's been like this for...



A violet carpenter bee (Xylocopa violacea) foraging Wisteria flowers in early Spring. One of the largest bees in Europe, the female has a stinger but is not aggressive. It makes its nest in dead wood,...
Apples, almonds, coffee, chocolate, watermelons, tomatoes. Without insect pollinators these and a third of the foods we eat would never make it to our dinner table. In the United States alone these...
hello and welcome to hydrocentre I'm Scott on his show you some spider mites. Now spidermites are very small I apologise for the shakiness the camera but I'm actually at max...
[MUSIC PLAYING] Vegitate Presents, "Welcome to My Garden." -Today, welcome to Vegitate. I've got Aiden and Zoe. And they're going to brush your plants. Is that...
Hi this is Yolanda Vanveen and in this segment we're going to talk about how to repel bees. Now my theory is we need these bees. We need them to pollinate our apple trees and our peach trees...
Here at Laughing Dog Farm we are new bee keepers. We read some articles last year that indicate that there's a serious global crisis with the bees. And knowing how important bees are for...
Want to grow a lot of stuff in a little bit of space? Gardening for Geeks tells you about biointensive methods for growing in urban locations. What's biomass and why do you need in your...