Museum of natural history london

Hello I'm Chistobel and I'm Niamh and today we are going to be discussing decadence, agency and ambiguity in Jean-Honoré Fragonard's best known painting, The Swing. Here to...
Dinosaur Day is an annual burke event, it’s a family event we have every year and it is probably our single most popular day at the museum An attendance of about two thousand people I think...
My name is Dr Annie Hughes. I'm the Course Director for the Geography programmes here at Kingston University. I'm specifically Course Director for the BSc in Physical Geography, the BA...
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A Dong Silk by TravelPod member nannaogsigurd Central Market by TravelPod member lraleigh Central Market by TravelPod member koppers Hoi An central market by TravelPod member ristohannah Buying...
I'm Dr Neil Thomas. I'm on the course director for the BSc programme Environmental Hazards and Disaster Management. We have a very tailored field programme which starts off with UK...
bjbjLULU JEFFREY BROWN: And finally tonight, a conversation with a musical icon and lifelong political and social activist. Gwen Ifill has that. (CHEERING AND APPLAUSE) GWEN IFILL: At 84, Harry...
The Doubletree Hotel Austin is located just off the intersection of I-35 and Highway 290 East in North Austin, Texas. It is minutes from downtown Austin, the State Capitol, the University of Texas,...
Fireworks over the River Thames by TravelPod member abbey83 Fireworks over the River Thames by TravelPod member abbey83 Coolest Reindeer ride! haha-Hyde Park by TravelPod member abbey83 Tobogganing at...