so in on a bus has decided to do something fascinating this time they're not gonna break and a buddy's computers are get private information they're simply going to new public...
welcome to the undercurrent your source for grassroots news online windsor on monday october fifteenth after weekend at nonviolent civil disobedience training the tar sands blockade held amassed a...
Hello, my name is Arielle Reid, in Budapest, Hungary, and I will explain to you today the allies of Great Britain. So we're looking at two particular time periods. World War one and World War...
if there's one thing I know about McGruff the Crime Dog it's that he's against crime and rocks now you remember McGruff the Crime Dog let me show in all that includes drew...
Game time show me to the shove audio dope, yea nigga we track trafficking They asking for more is you back again? All around the world the same song Money... For the money... Money... Money!... Ah ah...
President Obama recently and now so others can be big skill changes on the drone program oh my god we were gonna take the program other has the CIA and when I get put into the pentagon's Hans...
do seu Bock ok ran an ad that made a lot of sense it had lot of different ethnicities and they sang America the Beautiful that's an ad that unifies everybody in the country they saying in...
Monica, there's been a profound and disturbing growth in the amount of money that's being spent on elections in the United States. And it has serious implications for our democracy....
Hello my name is Arielle Reid in Budapest Hungary, and today I will answer the question does age affect voting. And the answer is yes, age does have an affect on voting patterns. As we can see here...