[music] Jerry: Fuckin' raze this entire fuckin' area Me: Well i guess we should go for a walk, then. Jerry: It's so crazy too, because... if you go... if you go into most...
The Ministry of Education wants to match at-risk students with mentors, iwi or alternative education centres to keep them at school and learning. It's a move the Ministry hopes will counter...
and the Lotto numbers for today are: 4, 8, 15, 16, 23 und 42 yes! KA-ME-HA do you know those times when you think what if? I don't like that what if... what if I had started a diffrent channel...
[ MUSIC ] LANINGHAM: This is the developerWorks podcast, I'm Scott Laningham. Coming up March 4 through 7 in Las Vegas is IBM's second big technical conference of the year, the Pulse...
I give you the end of the world, nameless songs and endless dreams I am the Queen of Dark At the moment of the beginning In the sea of negatron Awaken me with your chilly hands Neither words nor...



Hey guys Matt with Fox and we taking a peek at the Classic Army MOE Carbine value package today. So the Classic Army MOE Carbine value package is an M4 base rifle that is magpulled right out of the...



With pipes made of scrap wood, and rusty car wheels in piles, everyone has gone crazy at the paintings market. While the yellow dartboards are studded with syringe needles, the hands at the home base...



Hello Everyone! Here is Sano Talking straight from Sano Sagara Blog and today i'll be reviewing a Figure! to tell the truth it is a figure that i bought two months ago I was waiting like...



No friends? Tired of saying the words "table for one"? Try "AWESOME BALM!" What's that? I can feel it working! And just look at those results! Hey man! Hey...