Dorothy Lichtenstein >> Well there are a few early things that were done before I met Roy. I met Roy in nineteen sixty four, but it's really like going through our life together....
(piano music playing) Steven: We're looking at Manet's The Balcony. It's really an extraordinary painting. I mean, clearly he's looking at Goya. We have a number of...
I want to thank Patricia Caicedo for this innovative program. Thank you to Centre d'Art Santa Mònica. and to my wonderful colleagues. First ot all I want to explain a little bit of my project...
One of the standard approaches to analyzing artist paint is to take a tiny sample so that we reveal the layers in their sequence of application, from the ground upwards through the various layers to...
>> Nina: So this is going to be more of a conversational session. I'm going to very briefly introduce the participants and I'm sorry if I'm not going to read your...
- This is one that actually does speak to me in a very powerful way but when you look at something like an American flag I think I kinda get it, I mean... it's such a powerful icon or image...
(lively piano music) Voiceover: "I will not make any more boring art." Voiceover: "I will not make any more boring art." Voiceover: This is repeated, over and over...
(piano playing) Steven: We're looking at a relatively small Édouard Manet at the National Gallery of Art in Washington. It's called Plum Brandy and it's a really enigmatic...
Max Ernst came from Cologne and he was one of the leading members of the Dada movement and then when that transformed into Surrealism, he was a leading figure and really the first painter to be...