Erik: How have your parents influenced your professional development? Randall: First and foremost is how you treat people, because you can’t become successful in this world without treating people...
So you want to be part of the modeling world but not exactly be a model. How about a modeling agency? Hi, I'm Hazely Lopez, director of Hazely Academy of Refinement and Modeling and...
Knowing the difference between concepts, models and theories will help you understand research and communicate intelligently with other professionals. There are a number of ways to define concepts....
Here are the models 1693 and 1694. Both are high current, switching DC power supplies. The 1693 is a 60 amp, 1 to 15 volt supply... And the 1694 is a 30 amp, 1 to 30 volt power supply. The front...
Check which side of the flange allows easier rotation of the main axle. Fix the main axle with gear on the desired side of the flange. To do so fully tighten the jam nut and then release it slightly...
Welcome to my latest lure making video For this project I am going through the process of making soft plastic lures From starting out and sculpting clay to make the masters Poured a mold and then...
How to Have a Career in Modeling. Dream of seeing your face on a cover? Follow these steps if you're serious about a modeling career. You will need Good looks Close-fitting, comfortable...
Hi, I'm Andreas and this is 2MinutePsychology. I will give you a quick introduction to the Big Five personality model which is the world's leading personality theory measured in number...
My room was at the end of a really long, dark hallway. And I later learned from other girls who stayed there before me that they referred to that room as the dungeon. And it was in that dungeon that...
Trudi: Hi. I'm Trudi Tapscott. Britt: And I'm Britt Bergmeister. Trudi: I think there are so many perks in modeling that, if you're actually modeling, you enjoy. If you enjoy...