TOM MERRITT: Coming up-- what sort of man starts an epic fantasy world, then agrees to help finish Robert Jordan's too? VERONICA BELMONT: Find out in our guide to author, Brandon Sanderson....
이퀘스트리아는 변했다. 물에서 느낄 수가 있다. 대기에서 느낄 수가 있다. 여물통에서 맛볼 수가 있다. 풍요롭던 것들이 사라졌다. 그들을 기억하던 이들은 더는 없다 일어날 수 있는 모든 최악의 일 중, 이건 가장. 끔찍한. 일이야! 오, 그리고 악의 군주 사우론이 마법의 쇠발굽을 만들어 모든 포니 종족을 위협했다. 애플곤, 전 유니콘이고 당신은 어스...
G’day. I'm Adam Collings. Welcome to Stories. Today I'm talking about Mistborn: The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson. Today I'm talking about Mistborn: The Final Empire by...
Hey guys Entity of Sin here. that really illustrates a new deck that I've been trying to work with and trying to build up and just ran some ideas to make it as consistent as possible this is a...
Let's talk a little bit about genre, the nature of genre, as it comes to understanding audience. This is - I don't usually do this till later in the year, but this'll be good....



I actually have the kind of a different story. About when I hit fourth or fifth grade, I stopped reading. I fell out of it. It happens alot to that boys, I hear, at about that age. I didn't...
Hello everyone! I'm Vilde And in this video I'll be talking about my reading preferences As I mentioned in my introduction video I really love to read, but I didn't give you...
Pyramid of Distraction is something someone described to me in--um, in--when I was in grad school that I've absolutely fallen in love with as a way of describing this. And the Pyramid of...
Now I'm gonna jump off of this one a little bit and talk about how to do description well. And then we'll jump back onto it with some examples. Okay? That might help you a little bit...

