at the stage we're at with our kickstarter campaign I feel a little anxious many of the people with who were connected really aren't even familiar with kickstarter so I think if they...
Hi, I'm Mark Emiley on behalf of Expert Village. In this segment, we're going to talk about mixing our wort and taking our specific gravity readings. Now that we've got our...
Hi I'm Mark Emiley on behalf of Expert Village. Today I'm going to teach you everything you need to know about how to brew your own blonde beer. Today we'll be talking about...
Hi. My name is Allen for Expert Village. And today I'm going to discuss a controversial and banned alcohol commonly known as absinthe. The kit that I have is the deluxe kit and it comes with...



Hi! My name Eddie Leal, I’m the Brew Master here at Steelhead Brewing Company in Irvine, California. On behalf of we’re going to be talking about the difference between brew pub and...
This is the next segment on brewing. I’m JB with Austin Home Brew Supply. Our equipment kit has everything you need except for the stockpot and bottles. Those things are…I’m just going to go down one...
Hi, I'm Mark Emiley on behalf of Expert Village. In this next segment, we'll be covering some of the ingredients that we'll be using in this recipe and how they are going to be...
Hey, happy home brew Wednesday everybody. It's a Sunday afternoon. acronym so i decided to go ahead and measure the final gravity's but they're not all final cause they are not...
Home brewing kit for beginners: Every beer lover wants an unlimited supply of their very own brew. Think about how great it would be to never run...
Clarens-it just get better. by TravelPod member oliviers Tussen Clarens en Fouriesburg by TravelPod member oliviers Tussen Clarens en Fouriesburg by TravelPod member oliviers Tussen Clarens en...