Hmmm...statue by TravelPod member gringowithdrawl Welcome to the least populated state in US by TravelPod member gringowithdrawl Racks by TravelPod member gringowithdrawl Really cool handsign w a half...



Hello, friends! Again, my name is T.J., And this is my third video, and my second update for the #Add1Challenge. In the last video, I spoke French, And... of course... I want to also speak Hebrew. I...
(Music) The beer and biofuels undergraduate research experience began in April, and this is the first year that we’re running the program We’re very excited to engage in this because the use of beer...
Well... hello guys! This is my short review for Dave for my friend Dave about Russian beer. This is a short one because I'm drinking only one bottle of beer at the moment and I have no...
Hi, I'm Mark Emiley on behalf of Expert Village. In this segment, we are going to chill our wort and get it ready to put our yeast into. To do this, we're first going to take our wort...



Hi, I'm Mark Emiley on behalf of Expert Village. In this segment, we are going to continue our discussion of main ingredients to cover yeast, water and other adjuncts that you may be adding....
The trick is to get the high-contact surface area with canola oil, and then you go pretty fast A lot of my buddies came from off the streets so what i'm doing, you know, in the near future,...
Hi, I'm Anne Mooney, I'm a personal chef in Orlando and Winter Park, Florida and I'm here today on behalf of Expert Village to talk about beer can chicken. Now what we have...
Hi, my name is Ivan and we are here with Expert Village and in this clip we're going to learn about beers, different kind of beers. In this very clip we're going to learn about lagers...
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