in northwest college students and also soccer player appetite college back his name is ako doubt he's been charged with misdemeanor shoplifting after he eight doughnuts axp blair's...
>> Medical Education Simulation Center is a facility where physicians in training, residents and medical students, can practice their skills on patient simulators. We have amazing...
How to Thrive as a Nontraditional College Student The dictionary defines the word "Thrive" as: 1.) To prosper; be fortunate or successful, or 2.) To grow or develop vigorously;...
It's great because lots of the lecturers are researchers around the university, and so often they're giving lectures on the subject that they're researching personally,...
I think originally what I wanted to work on was some kind of math and science related field - engineering, perhaps. Then when I was graduating high school, I was really excited about the medical...
How to Survive As a Nontraditional Student More people are taking on the role of nontraditional student than ever before. Along with that role comes all the challenges of being a nontraditional...
My name is Andrea Noel, I am a third year med student at the University of Minnesota. Performance art and medicine both came when I was really young, I was in my first performance on stage when I was...
>>Paul: I think its being, being exposed to new ways of thinking and new ideas its being uh... really really satisfying the the teaching staff are brilliant. You know there's...
My name is Andrea Hanselmann. I am from Wilmington. My name is James Bryson and I'm from Swansboro, North Carolina. I am Tracy Baird Empsall. I am from Spokane, Washington. My name is Terrell...

