how you diverse senegambia at a lot of time to think about med school i'm taking a real gap year meeting no work it out just what is the money and relaxing i call it the mental health three i...
I was fortunate enough to be admitted to medical school, which was a lifelong dream, and while in medical school, I met an attending physician who was one of the first medical oncologists at the...
>> My name is Karla Lozano, I'm a first-year medical student. Chancellor, is there any chance that the UCI School of Medicine will rise to be in the top 20 medical schools in the...
Mary Burchett: Marfan syndrome is called a syndrome because there are a lot of different physical things that occur together that people have recognized as a pattern. Some of those things include very...
Dr. Jerry Blaivas>>> Well, to be honest, I have no idea what inspired me to become a doctor in the first place. By nature, I am a really passionate person, I like practically...
in the eighteenth century a philosopher said a physician sits in the front row of the theatre of life. women and men of the class of two thousand fifteen welcome to this great profession I'm...
Alright. Okay. Alright, okay Welcome to class, learn it! This is phys, gotta neuro, get the Netter's for Anatomy Lookin' for a better way to focus when I study and I gotta get the...
this is all ron design studio have all the basic real most or design decisions to make them my role on this project is prince william charge of design i'm basically direct the design team and...
My name is Holly. and i'm studying medicine at the University of Manchester. I wanted to get into the hospital as soon as possible and the early clinical experiences allowed you to do that. We...
devender desserts as a carry sign named for anything group of faculty system even further three years now actually i was a lot of started energized because when i came here to enhance i had just...