You don't have to listen, but here I go anyway, this is what I think, and how I feel, here we go. the couples that are meant to be are the ones who go through everything that is meant, to tear...
Getting a yes for the mortgage, for me, was just a fantastic - I was pregnant at the time, so I was obviously nesting and wanting to build a new home for the baby. It was just such a time of...
Hi YouTube welcome to my channel My name is Chris aka Spyda to people who know me but that story is for another day I'm from good ol' sunny Donny aka Doncaster in the UK am single 35...
Planes and ships from south-east Asian states have joined forces to search the South China Sea for a Malaysia Airlines jet, missing with 239 people on board. Flight MH370 vanished at 18:40 GMT Friday...
Hello everybody!Thanks for clicking. This is Terry. I'm an English teacher and I teacher English on Skype. And this is 101 English Expressions. And today's expression is...
If you're a worker or a tradesman, and working on government job, you may have heard the phrase 'prevailing wage.' Let's talk about what that means exactly. My name is...



Heya playas, is there a girl in your life you just can't seem to get over? Maybe you've always liked her or you dated her one time and now she has a boyfriend or she's moved...
Heya playas, have you ever wondered why the price of a McDonalds hamburger hasn't gone up in decades? Wouldn't inflation affect the cost of a Big Mac too? Unless there's...
Haggis: We're a band of vicious pirates! Edward: A sailinĀ“ out to sea. Bill: When you hear our gentle singing... Haggis: You'll be sure to turn and flee! Guybrush: Oh, this is just...