This is the story of Osman and I <music enters> Osman and I, we weren't always apart of the Ottoman Empire. They captured us; we found ourselves trapped in a very dark room....
Living with cataracts is never easy. It's like seeing the world through a dirty window. Over time the lenses in your eyes become cloudy making images blurry and colors dull. The lenses in your...
self-loading rifles have been under development in Germany for many years and these efforts finally bought fruit In the Walther Gewehr '41 the automatic bold was operated by muzzle gases...



The Supreme Court is just days away from deciding whether to take the Prop 8 case. Depending on how they rule, we could see marriages starting in California, Maine, Washington and Maryland all within...
ZExif V233-00-01 DV138 2011:03:11 12:40:46 0220 0100 2011:03:11 12:40:46 2011:03:11 12:40:46 0100 $3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz...
Hmm ... What am I doing here? Ooh this is hard ... it was rude last night... Eh? Why I have it in my hands? Ah well ... maybe I'll introduce you then! It might be a good idea. Hello everyone...
Hello! As you know, Frontrunners 8 are hosting a Seminar. The topic is "Who Am I? - A seminar about identity." There are two sections in the programme that YOU can present! Would you...



Module 1 is now coming to a close. I bet you're all interested to know what FR8 will be doing for Module 2. In Module 2 Frontrunners will be going all over the world. They will return here for...



I'm in the Alps. One of the great mountain range systems in Europe. A habitat for a large variety of wildlife. I am looking here for Chamois - the animals which live on the rocks. During my...
hello to you all Today I'll show you the presentation MB01/MB08 WELL airsoft replica of the British L96 sniper rifle you will receive a replica in 2 parts 1st part of the ABS body you need to...

