Stark naked... ... is a mixture between stark and naked. To most people, skateboarding and East Germany don't go together. But that's not at all true. Something like skating comes...
All I remember is a red-haired boy standing there, wanting to play. That was Denis. Until then, there were only two of us. That's Dirk, and that's me. 1981, I think it was. From that...
Hi my name is Hester Lox. I am a Professional Organizer based in the San Francisco Bay area. People ask how I became a Professional Organizer. My story is pretty typical of many people which is I had...



Hi my name is Hester Lox. I am a Professional Organizer based in the San Francisco Bay area. The most difficult experience I have had in 16 years of organizing happened when I was maybe a year or two...



My name is Hester Lox. I am a Professional Organizer based in the San Francisco Bay area. How I got my first paid job is the identical story to how I got my first job that said to me you can do this...



Hi there, I'm Kathy Wiggins. I'm the corporate executive coordinator for the Ohio Masonic Homes. I've been here about a year and a half now and when I first started, I was...
Ä haben Wir uns dazu entschlossen Heute eine Regelung zu treffen die es jedem Bürger der DDR möglich macht über Grenzübergangspunkte der DDR auszureisen blabla.. Ministerium hat der Ministerrat...



3, 2, 1, 0!!! [LAUTER APPLAUS] [LAUTER JUBEL] Für Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeiten wollen wir wie alle anderen auch in Pension gehen können. Für Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeiten wollen wir für unsere...



Ben sende. hrmhrm. Hust. Ich ziehe durch die Strassen mit meinem Froschenkel um Mitternacht früher hab ich das wirklich schon oft gemacht doch jetzt ist alles anders mein Frosch ist gerade voll weg...



Untertitel Deutsch Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, herzlich Willkommen zu den Nachrichten des Stadt-Fernsehen-Dreieich SFD Betrügerische Anrufer In den vergangenen Wochen haben sich Bürgerinnen und...

