CHAPTER XXVII The Giant Again A taxicab drew up before an oldfashioned residence upon the outskirts of Baltimore. A man of about forty, well built and with strong, regular features, stepped out, and...
He said you'll marry me. Brother-in-Law, I'm such a fool! I... I've brought so much trouble to you. I don't want to live alone. I want to die with you. Don't!...
You're saying you look like my son? No wonder you want to take care of me and send me "away". You old fart you dare mess with me? That's it, I'm through...
Listen, I have to talk to you about what happened, d. Don't, don't. No, no, no. I have to. Just...Hear me out. I think the mistake I made in vegas... Was thinking that... I could...
I remember once when I was young And I was coming back from someplace-- A movie or something-- I was on the subway. And there was a girl sitting across from me, And she was wearing this dress That was...
hi I am Cobie Smulders who plays Robin Scherbatsky and welcome to the behind the scenes shoot of my music videos Robin sparkles is back with a brand new video she's at the beach singing sand...
Come, Xiao Min, let's drink some more. Drink for what? I've been awaiting you for so long and now you've finally come. You're so cruel! Xiao Min! Even when I was in...