JACOB SOBOROFF: Hey, it's Jacob. Today, we've got a ripped 70 year old shredding the streets of New York and a date gone horribly wrong. DODIE CLARK: I'm not actually a woman....
What's up ladies and gentlemen? This is The House Snowboard Shop, I'm Matt Guff, and this is the Burton Grail Boot. It has a support rating of a six, so it's going to be a...
PRESIDENT OBAMA: Thank you. (Applause.) Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you. (Applause.) Thank you so much. Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, members of Congress, my fellow Americans, today in...
the republicans in oklahoma passed a ban on gay marriage in that state judge kern a as state a knows state supreme court order whatever was any I don't know which kinda judges arm dollars US...



What an honor it is for me to be with you after the President’s State of the Union. Tonight we honor America – a nation that has witnessed the greatest rise of freedom and opportunity our world has...
Brendan is still in Adelaide we still might be able to stop him by using this airfield this week and fly to SA we should do sooner then later what about the other two kearneys ,where are they my...
it now so the republican response from our cathy McMorris Rodgers from Spokane night she's for washing machine the state a washing machine measure spoke at a couple times but not nearly as...
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the biggest thing on my list and i i i just you know i read about this yesterday i want to make it very clear i'm actually i started out play with us like it was a joke but i don't...
Hi, I'm Brigitte. This is Slope Style. I'm here with Jill who is here from Burton. We're here to talk about the South Side Slim Fit Pant from Burton. And, I've gotta...