then signs in on fox news channel and his essay so maybe it's true that's already funnier universal besides that right winger and honestly i'm shocked at what that that is the...
president obama who's gonna go out today and say that he's the call for both parties to put aside to be true of the last several months and work together to restore the...
jernigan highschool graduation and english teacher came up to of the standard and delivered at one of the best commencement speeches i've ever heard do not get the idea anything special the...
every once in a while we talk about some of the habeas crimes against women in countries like afghanistan right and pakistan where uh... and manuel literally throwing acid on a woman's face if...
for soldier me ski hill was uh... on the program up with chris hayes on msnbc or the weekend and he made some very controversial remarks about the drone program let's watch if if someone goes...
s lee bryant kilometers out his name trying to media fry and kill me one of the fox and friends has a radio show i mean you know that i had no idea must be very popular show uh... now a lot of people...
the northside independent school district in texas is planning on raising money by electron ically tracking its students she's this is a pretty incredible story because we haven't done...