The Overton window is a political concept that refers to the range of policy opinions which are considered acceptable by the mainstream. The window encompasses views that are seen as relatively...
The police and the media are performing a lynch against Jewish youth I don't know what exactly happened but I assume that as happens daily Jewish girls are attacked every day by Arabs and have...
You caught me reading there.....I cant read i can't use chopsticks too....(ugh) Lovely day isn't it? I give up writing this shit anybody that and it wonder who it is i might be up so...
lets it rush lets him in the mouth let's shoot for let's have some fun it's official they dropped him like a bad habit dave check it's the that was all that i think the...



The 1st September 2004, saw the start of a terrifying ordeal for school number 1 in Beslan north of Setie Russia. It was the first day of the school year. Traditionally called the day of knowledge,...
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George in Keyport New Jersey listening to be Baia George what's up by going after stocks I just wanna come over comment on Fr you two are at the beginning of the song or my up too many gotta...
What if they were UNfriendly? by TravelPod member malbet that a word? by TravelPod member malbet Look closely at the sign... by TravelPod member malbet Early tourism by TravelPod member...



According to our correspondent in Damascus that the Syrian army continues operations in response to the armed groups that are trying to infiltrate the Jordanian border toward the shield, as well as in...