This video demonstrates Spare Spike™ Ice Cleats. The company that makes them has over 30 years of experience manufacturing industrial grade ice cleats and other slip resistant shoe attachments. Spare...
Now during a Thai Yoga massage, they can be sitting up, they can be on their back, they can be on their belly, on their side. But you as a practitioner want to be doing the flipping for them. Yes, you...
Coming to a nice twist here, I'm going to grab a hold of the pillow, place it right here. Now you want about the middle of the pillow to be about the middle of the hip because you want,...
Coming into knee to shoulder now. So I'm going to reach hand underneath the knee, pick up the heel and bend the knee as we come up. Now I want to place her foot on the outside heel, right...
Week 18 Welcome to Week 18 of the KidandParent Pregnancy show. In this show we take part in the ongoing debate on veg versus non-veg diet. We also discuss the change in your body's center of...
The sen lines on the legs are nice and easy to find. These one up and down the sides, inside and out. When it comes to the hips, it does a nice little curve underneath that hip bone. So when...
I'm going to give Carrie here a really nice back stretch through the devil's stretch. So I'm going to grab a hold of her wrist and gently just come up into a nice kneeling...



Your doctor has recommended that you undergo surgery to repair a hiatal hernia. But what does that actually mean? Your diaphragm is a muscle that separates your chest from your abdomen and helps you...
Dallas Orthopedics at Forest Park Makoplasty. Hi my name is Steve Gossett I'm sixty four years old , live here in Dallas Texas i've had uh... uh... knee problems for my adult life......