soon lives videos this zone here one i'm jonathan came from what the flick any interest and that was a scene from blue valentine which stars ryan gosling as dean and michelle williams as cindy...
Dobré ráno miláčku! Dobré! Jak se máš? Výborně! To je dobře. Udělám si kávu. Víš, co je dnes za den? Úterý??? Dnes je Valentýn!!! Stojíme na nejromantičtějším místě Prahy, na Petříně, kam Češi chodí...
L hyung, you are really handsome Sometimes you are like a friend and sometimes also a considerate hyung to me Thank you so much for always hanging out with me I hope that you will be always with me...
How do I love the? Let me count the PERCS. Thine rewards doth reflect the inspiration of thine works. My perks beget unlimited streaming, with undying love songs my heart is now teaming. A $100...
(school bell ringing) Olivia: Oh, hi Katherine. Katherine: (depressed) Hi, Olivia. I honestly CAN NOT wait for the Valentine Dance! Olivia: Can you? Katherine: Oh...well... I don't think...
I'm 20. 5 ft 8 and 117 pounds. Too skinny right? About me? Hmm. Smart and romantic. And I have a nice girlfriend. Actually it is my dream since I was a secondary boy. Honestly, I'm...