Okay. Can I just, say something crazy? I love crazy! All my life has been A series of doors in my face And then suddenly I bump into you I was thinking the same thing! 'Cause like I've...
The doors and windows of my home are wide opened I just want to touch the plates when I see them Who knows how expensive they are I was bored to dead being alone I practice skating here everyday...
{\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\qc\lang16\f0\fs36 Love Story\par \par \par...



Subtitling made possible by RLJ Entertainment [ Coughs ] Don't scratch it. You'll make it worse. Sorry, Doctor. This cream will help you. Betamethasone. Apply it to your eczema twice a...
Hi, my name is Yanna. I live in Japan with my father and mother and my little sister Chana. We came from Taiwan to help tell people in the big city of Tokyo about Jesus. One day my father called,...
Why would you turn your back on me while I'm talking to you? The same reason you turned your back on me when we were married. You see, things like that... That is exactly why things...
Perhaps love is like a resting place A shelter from the storm It exists to give you comfort It is there to keep you warm And in those times of trouble When you are most alone The memory of love will...
Should my girlfriend go clubbing without me? Clubbing with the girls is fun if you’re single. She’s not single. Well, you’re not married, but you’re right, she’s not single. I’m concerned that guys...
For Paradise Film Distribution Company a Paradise producers' center production SV-AURUM Film company Arthur Smolyaninov Anna Starshenbaum Olga Popova Gosha Kutsenko lvan Okhlobystin Sergei...