The London 2012 Olympic Park, is an area so vast it's surrounded by five different east-end boroughs. If you want a true perspective of what it's like - you need to take to the air....
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As the Olympic games approach, the gaming industry is ready to cash in. No surprise there, right? But here’s one...this game is not horrible. I mean, it won’t win any awards,’s not going to...
>> STARTER: On your marks! [whistle] [water splashing] >> JEREMY HUNT: This is a very big moment because one of the big - in fact probably the single biggest sports project...
[Intro Music] >> COSTAS: Welcome to the Business Connections event. [bell dong] >> COSTAS: Hi Good evening. My name is Costas Georgiou from Belsize Accountancy. Welcome to...
The one thing I have said that is the difference between a good games and a great games, apart from the competitors, is the quality of the volunteers... And we really do want to encourage many people...
- This is London 2012: The Official Videogame of the Olympic Games ... the first 8th generation of olympic games I've ever played - I was so curious how this game would be like and as soon as...
GARETH GOWER: Sega Studios Australia has been around for a number of years now. They're basically in the background of strategy games, but have moved over into sports titles more recently with...
To make and Olympic champion takes millions of young people around the world to be inspired, to choose Olympic sport. We offer London’s vision, of inspiration and of legacy. “The International...