So amused by your actions. Buried in my box, waiting to surface. So confused by what is happening. And I’m sitting in my box. Waiting to surface. Is it over yet? Can I open my eyes. Yeah, and where’s...
Draw your eyes, to the skies. As it opens and swallows the time. What have we done? One by one. They will come…the devil and son. Burning bright, guiding light. Yet we chose to buckle our eyes. Look...
Cary the lies, spread it around. My reason why, I think I got... So much to live for. So much to die for. Way out of line, to sell you what's on my mind. I know I got... so much to tell you. So much...
Sweet caress Grazes my skin It's loveless These hooks sink in Behind an angel's disguise An insect preys Mandibles cut like a knife The reckoning Forming clouds Their shadow shrouds Louder the...
LOCUST Here in her womb Is where the eggs will and hatch and the nest will bloom From the source of intercourse She closes her eyes and lays down on the floor Can you feel them crawling Spread the...



NARRATOR: The National Institutes of Health is the nation's medical research agency. Its scientists make important discoveries that improve health and save lives. Many researchers at the NIH...



Living creatures are amazing at building their homes from just about anything. But sea-dwelling creatures are particular wizards: microscopic coccolithophores, coral-building algae, and giant snails...
On June 7, 1692, the Jamaican city of Port Royal, a notorious pirate haven, sank into its own harbor. This disaster (or blessing, depending on who you ask) was caused by liquefaction of the ground...
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