Chinese village engulfed in sandstorm. On Monday, May 31, a massive cloud of sand from the Gobi Desert covered the village of Golmud in central China’s Qinghai Province, advancing at a rate of over...
Little Child Of The Sun, a shadow falls over you Little Child Of The Sun, the adults don't ask you Ask for your opinion on what's happening here Little Child Of The Sun, our world...
It was a leisurely day Full of pleasure I walked in the sun, feeling the heat I was happy From the sea came music For every little cove Just this beautiful day A lovely, leisurely day I walked on the...



Well an atom's made of protons, neutrons, and electrons the first two in the nucleus, the third around it it's mostly empty space, but it feels solid in any case The elements are all...
Footprints In The Sand Last night I had a dream. I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord. Across the sky flashed scenes from my life. For each scene, I noticed two sets of footprints in...
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I am a lighthouse worn by the weather and the waves I LIGHTHOUSE, WEATHER, WAVES DETERIORATE-ME I keep my lamp lit to warn the sailors on their way LIGHT-ALL, WARN SAILORS (SAILING AWAY) I’ll tell a...
(Text on screen): Twiddy, Since 1978. Community Overview, Corolla Light Hi. My name is Christine. I work at Twiddy and Company and I help guests plan their Outer Banks vacations....
policy and i will reimburse managed to have those demanded a market we remain about three and half the bike and this first one of the month you know what that means new songs swiss called trek saint...

